Welcome to my world of books!

Hello, I'm Charles Moberly.

I've published four novels to date.

What distinguishes me as an author is that my novels are all completely different from one another in style and genre. I like to push boundaries, and to address subjects rarely covered by other writers.

If there is any common theme, it is that I love conveying the tensions arising from misunderstandings.

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 ... in 2025


What does a woman do after she’s booted out her husband for being unfaithful? Living in a remote house in beautiful countryside, how does she defend herself against the property developer up the lane the who is terrorising her and her dog, Honey? Turn to the authorities? They’re operated by the crooks who are supporting this neighbour from hell.

Alice decides to reinvent herself as new, decisive, and available. She’s not going to play the victim anymore but will fight back. A tragic accident, inadvertently caused by three people who are equally to blame, shatters her confidence.

Alice’s therapy is forgiveness. Her combination of generosity, assertiveness, and determination attracts some unlikely allies, but with so much corruption around, who can be trusted?

And next...

Being written. A fantasy horror.

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Available from Amazon: 

in Paperback and on Kindle

Tangle is a tree-hugger who is often mistaken for a glamorous witch. She is proud of her organic smallholding in the heart of Africa.

When threatened by a bullying and corrupt businessman who starts trashing the environment and the local people, who can she turn to?

Surely not that foul-mouthed Aussie TV presenter, nor those famous and fabulously wealthy international holidaymakers, who suddenly invade her precious patch. And how could an international food-eating competition, sponsored by the USA’s tin-eared goodwill ambassador, solve her problems?

Surrounded by xenophobic bickering, Tangle struggles to assert her authority, aided by some unlikely admirers.

The Scrotum Toad is an outrageous comic novel which will have the easily offended spluttering over their lattes. Nationalities, cultures and occupations are satirised shamelessly.

You have been warned.

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My second novel!

available from Amazon in Paperback and on Kindle

Life is becoming precarious for an Anglo-German family living in England on the eve of the First World War. They have very different ideas about what they should do.

A priestly father who promotes the duty of fighting for God, King and Country. A mother who flaunts her German heritage. A son full of Nietzsche, atheism and rebelliousness. What influence can each have over the talented daughter of the family, who has ideas of her own?

Irresponsible newspapers inventing stories of German atrocities and espionage stir up hatred against the family. Will pride and their strong personalities allow them to compromise and survive?

The Corncrake is a historical novel set in 1909-10 and 1914-15. It brings to life little-known facts about ordeals far from the front line.

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available on Amazon in Paperback and on Kindle


Briony and Tom, both in their twenties, are very different characters. But opposites attract. In business, as in love, they complement each other.

They buy a farm and discover a rare drug. Tom grows it and Briony markets it. At first, they are oblivious of their responsibilities to the land and its people. But gradually they realise that they have been supporting a racist and colonialist regime.

The onset of the Rhodesian – Zimbabwean War of Independence tears at the couple’s relationship. Misunderstandings arise from their conflicting personalities and from external pressures. Events pull them apart, but also bind them together.

Try the Leopard’s Mouth is a romantic thriller set in Africa. It is also a historical novel, grounded in real events in the period 1970-80

Try the Leopard's Mouth

Winner of a Historical Fiction Company Highly Commended Award.

Read the full review



Why can’t anyone say what they mean? Why is my mother a Tyrannosaurus? Why did she give me such a stupid name?

Awhina doesn’t know when to stop. She’s a brilliant young scientist at Cambridge University with a good sense of humour but the social skills of a rhinoceros. She lambasts her professor because he’s a dickhead. Whoops. But he is risking the survival of humanity.

A hideous accident on the other side of the world changes everything. Captured and terrified, she displays her usual tactless defiance. If she could escape, a glamorous new career would open up for her. But does she want it?

Cooee Baby is a psychological novel with elements of a thriller. Welcome to the world of Asperger's, remote tribes, movies, and astrophysics.'

"Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. Kinky and adorable and fun. I loved every minute of it." IndieBRAG.

“Cooee Baby is a fascinating exploration of the life of a young woman caught between the demands of her intellect and the challenges of her emotions. Moberly has crafted a thought-provoking and entertaining narrative with a protagonist who is as endearing as she is exasperating.” Literary Titan, Gold Book Award.


“The style of writing will captivate readers from start to finish and stimulate their curiosity regarding what lies ahead. A beautifully drawn environment, interesting characters, and Moberly’s skilful writing create a fascinating reading experience.” Book Nerdection, Excellent Read.




available in paperback or e-book from Amazon


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Upcoming Book Tour

Cooee Baby

Coffee & Thorn: 21 to 24 February 2024
  • Purchase link: https://mybook.to/cooeebaby
  • Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/207704159-cooee-baby
  • Genre: Psychological thriller
  • Print length: 209 pages
  • Age range: This is an adult book but suitable for mature teenagers
  • Formats available for the Tour: all standard electronic formats
  • Trigger warnings: disfiguring accidental injury; death and injury through tribal war; neurodivergence/Aspergers syndrome
  • Amazon Rating: 5*

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My grateful thanks to the brilliant team who support me: 

authors Helen Hollick, Annie Whitehead and Cathy Helms of Avalon Graphics.