The Scrotum Toad

available from Amazon in Paperback and on Kindle

The Scrotum Toad is an outrageous comic novel set in Africa. The many and diverse characters bicker and swear in the vernacular of eight different languages and dialects: English, Danish, Yiddish, Australian, Texan, Irish, Hip Hop and Swahili.

The novel satirises beliefs, preferences, cultures, national characteristics and prejudices. It is resolutely anti-woke, and should be avoided by snowflakes who are easily offended.

The Scrotum Toad

Tangle is a tree-hugger who is often mistaken for a glamorous witch. She is proud of her organic smallholding in the heart of Africa. 

When threatened by a bullying and corrupt businessman who starts trashing the environment and the local people, who can she turn to?

Surely not that foul-mouthed Aussie TV presenter, nor those famous and fabulously wealthy international holidaymakers who suddenly invade her precious patch. And how could an international food-eating competition, sponsored by the USA’s tin-eared goodwill ambassador, solve her problems?

Surrounded by xenophobic bickering, Tangle struggles to assert her authority, aided by some unlikely admirers.

The Scrotum Toad is an outrageous comic novel which will have the easily offended spluttering over their lattes. Nationalities, cultures and occupations are satirised shamelessly. 

You have been warned.

available from Amazon in Paperback and on Kindle


Reviews are good, but there's nothing like referrals. This one in from a friend:

'Here is an entirely unsolicited message from my Mum (I sent her a copy of Scrotum) posted to our family WhatsApp: “Charles Moberly is a genius!  Marianne, you must read this book - and Stewart too!” '

From Amazon:

5 stars 
'A serious subject written in a fun way. Loved all the characters in the book, the descriptions of each of them made them seem like they were characters the author might have met they were so well described. And weren't they all full of character. Seemed like every emotion was being played with as the story unfolded. And so eloquently written. I love a book that makes me reach for the dictionary from time to time. And that toad, oh my! Lets hope he writes more books.'

5 stars 
'Well where do I start had me giggling from beginning to end, not for the easily offended, if you are feeling a bit down and need something to cheer you up this is for you, definitely an adult read. The characters are wacky and really over the top, the author must have a vivid imagination, having done a bit of travelling I have met some weird and wonderful characters but these beat the lot, can't wait for his next book.'

5 stars
This is the equivalent of going to a comedian's gig and laughing for an hour. If you are very PC and can't abide humour that pokes fun at stereotypes you might not like it. But in many ways, his humour reminded me of Ben Elton. Outrageous and over the top, but never boring and often on the nail. I'm both an American and a Brit, dual passport holder, and the author has a field day putting two objectionable people from either side of the pond into an African holiday spot. It was hysterical. I laughed out loud and continued laughing even after I'd gone to make the dinner! A wonderful antidote to depression. Cheaper than tickets at the Comedy Night spot and well worth the read.

5 stars 
'The characters were cleverly portrayed to show the differences in their backgrounds, political, racial, gender etc. This book provided me with many chuckles and flashbacks to time spent in Africa .

5 stars 
Clever, entertaining, irreverent story full of twists and turns, set in an imaginary African country with a large cast of characters and a lot of mickey-taking. A great read to brighten up your day.'

5 stars 
'To read Charles Moberly's debut novel without a chuckle or two - or outright laughter in places - is nigh on impossible. Very firmly tongue-in-cheek (and trigger warning: it is also very firmly an adult book, rude in places - even the title gives that fact away!) But if you are broad minded, not easily shocked and enjoy poking fun by the ton at almost everything that is over-the-top 'politically correct' you're in for a treat.
As Mr Moberly says: " outrageous comic novel which will have the easily offended spluttering over their lattes. Nationalities, cultures and occupations are satirised shamelessly." 
Read with a huge tub of salt, don't take it seriously, and enjoy the chance to have a good giggle. But if you're not keen on satire, sexual content, explicit swearing (in several languages and dialects) then maybe this one isn't for you.
Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed it!'

 4 out of 5 (very good

Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Set against an African backdrop, with descriptions of pure beauty and wonder, The Scrotum Toad pulls you into a story that can outshine any soap opera. Full of quirky, fun characters each with their own special personality traits and levels of intelligence and luck (how on earth Stanley has made it as far in life as he has is beyond me)

Each character does have endearing qualities, I'll be honest though, it took me a little while to warm up to Tangle but that's definitely down to having to rearrange my way of thinking. She's quite the inspiration.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere  **

* A copy of this book was provided with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

 The Scrotum Toad has won a Reader Award from Chill with a Book. Citation:

"This is sooo funny. It was full of stereotypes and definitely not meant to be realistic and yet there were so many well observed truths about people and their preconceptions. I was a teacher and there are people like Jake in every school - cussed awkward. As for the rest, I certainly recognised them in my travels to USA and around UK. Wonderful book, made me laugh for days."